
Здравствуйте всем. Ищу работу в Ню Йорке или округе. Живу…

Здравствуйте всем. Ищу работу в Ню Йорке или округе. Живу во Флориде, но готов переехать. На этой неделе, нахожусь тут в Ню Йорке и с удовольствием могу прийти на интервью. 15 лет работал управляющим офисам и производством.

Friends, I’m currently looking for employment opportunities in NY and vicinity. I️ live in Florida, but ready to move to NY at moments notice(I️ lived in NY for 13 years prior to Florida). I️ have 15 year experience in production, office, and operations. 12 year experience in media (publishing) processing (managed operations) 2 years in retail management, and a number of years in other management fields. I’m in NY this week and if you are looking for someone with my skill set, or know someone who does, please private message me.

I have resumes on hand, can send via email, and willing to come in for interview. I’m fully bilingual in Russian and English and can read Hebrew. Thank you in advance.

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