
  • igor rudenko: новый статус 4 года, 9 месяцев назад

    The Trade Union “Association of Leaders Art and Design in Fashion Industry of Dnipro”, Ukraine.
    We are interested in establishing contacts with international organizations in the fashion industry: trade unions, communities, associations, educational institutions, manufacturing and foundations for mutually beneficial cooperation.
    The union has a school of in-depth development and training in the fashion industry @mk_fashionschool, in which school-age children are taught the professions that make up the fashion industry.
    The teaching is conducted by certified specialists, members of the trade union. The program is designed for 3 courses lasting 3 years.
    The school is funded by the means of the Trade Union, whose budget according to “THE LAW OF UKRAINE ON TRADE UNIONS” is formed by membership fees, charitable assistance and donations.
    Due to the unstable general and economic situation in Ukraine, our organization is currently experiencing certain difficulties in the development and expanding its potential.
    To increase the level of education and organization at school, there is a need to create an educational and production workshop (creative studio) in which children will be able to create their designer collections — FROM IDEA TO A READY PRODUCT (from idea to brand).
    To implement the planned, we need equipment, tools, consumables and up-to-date teaching methods that meet modern standards and requirements…
    After a full course of schooling, the Trade Union plans to send graduates abroad for further study, internship and work.